Climáximo declares climate emergency

The climate crisis is rooted in the capitalist system. “System change, not climate change” by definition is not something we request from this or that government.

We assume our social and political agency to achieve social and climate justice within the climate deadlines.

We may fail.

We must win.

Since 2015, we have done our part to build a grassroots movement for climate justice, with direct actions, public sessions, demonstrations, campaigns, camps, and climate activism trainings.

We know that a lot more is necessary to win.

Thus, we declare a state of climate emergency within Climáximo: beyond what we have done so far and beyond our existing commitments, we are launching a profound internal restructuring process.

In contrast to what political institutions did so far, we will define clearly what this declaration means:

1) A geographical expansion plan with a clear organizational structure for autonomous local groups.

2) Organize to mobilize: drastically increase the organizational capacity of the climate justice movement, through regular trainings on strategy, campaigning and theories of change.

3) Go beyond business-as-usual organizing: propose an open and committed movement coordination to articulate and coordinate an escalation strategy with a vision of “system change with a deadline”.

4) Build capacity and invest in international organizing and coordination.

5) Each one of us will reflect on what this declaration means for them at a personal level.

6) Promote, through words and actions, the integration and empowering of all the members of the collective, challenging the socio-cultural dynamics of power and privilege hierarchies.

7) We will evaluate and update these point in three months.

Climáximo as is exists for five years. We aim at making it obsolete in ten.

We invite and challenge all people and organizations to consider about the climate crisis and what it implies for them.

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