Manifesto: We Are the Anti-bodies

Our societies are sick. Our planet is sick. Civilization as we know it, is fatally sick.

Decision-makers are not taking the situation seriously. The way the current socioeconomic system works is to add on each one of the successive crises: the public health crisis is now giving birth to social and economic crises. We are wretched. We are getting closer and closer to the point where climate crisis will topple all the crises into the abyss. We are sick, and tired.

We commit to fight against the virus of profit maximization and all the social systems that feed discrimination between and within the peoples.


The cure is that we genuinely care for each other. The cure is to value what is essential in our lives. We know that what is needed are social structures that facilitate a real ecological relationship between all beings, replacing the toxic structures leading us to societal collapse. We know that we have to attack the virus, not just the symptoms.

A strong National Health System can protect us from illnesses and pandemics, as a worldwide National Climate System can safeguard a livable planet.

An equitable Social Security can support everyone in need, just as a care economy can guarantee  well-being for all.

Decent housing not only enables physical distancing in times of corona, but also protects us from the storms to come with the climate chaos.

Providing free renewable energy and public transport for everyone increases our social resilience not just against economic crises but also against the climate crisis.

A massive public jobs program can take thousands from unemployment and precarious conditions, while at the same time guaranteeing a just transition through socially useful jobs.

We’ve got very little time left. Losing this struggle means losing everything that matters. Time to act, is, now.


We are terrified. We are outraged.

Finding the courage within our dread, we rise to build a new civilization.

We commit to decontaminate the economy and regenerate our societies, with non-violent disruptive actions against the toxic socioeconomic system that brought us here.

We commit to walk our talk. We will take the streets this Autumn with mass actions of civil disobedience.

We are the anti-bodies.

The list of signatories is being updated here.

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