One year ago, we assumed in an explicit and conscious way, system change as our social and political task; and we declared a state of climate emergency within Climáximo, launching a profound process of internal restructuring.
Today, we admit that we are not closer to achieving climate and social justice, despite the fact that the climate deadlines are tighter than ever. We refuse to look for excuses in the social demobilization and the standstill of the movement in the pandemic context: our task is to win, and not winning means societal collapse and is thereby a non-compliance on our part.
We are conscious that our house is still on fire, and is closer to a breakdown.
Today, we need more than ever a powerful and committed movement for climate justice, a movement that most probably surpasses our current imagination. We must reinvent ourselves regularly, systematically and deliberately.
Therefore, we announce today new internal measures for the state of climate emergency within Climáximo.
1) Increase our international commitment, with the launch of the Glasgow Agreement, and guarantee an articulation between our national and international ambitions via the climate agenda of the agreement.
2) Build political resilience for the times to come, by creating organizational infrastructures, in service of the movement. This includes legal support, financial matters, digital security, political training and trainers’ trainings.
3) Build a movement and a collective that is several times bigger than today, in a year’s time. To this end, we will enter in an intensive period of integration, capacity building, training and delegation within Climáximo as well as in public. Growing also means an increase in visibility and availability, informing and engaging new people in the collective. In this sense, we will produce a recruitment plan to guide us.
4) Address the complexity of diverse injustices and crises in an integrated and coherent way, acknowledging that the new social and political context strengthens this challenge and opens possibilities to realize it. In this sense, we commit to make an active and structured effort to establish strong alliances with collectives from various anti-capitalist struggles.
5) Reiterate our commitment to dismantle the socio-cultural dynamics of power and privilege hierarchies within our collective.
Today, realism means an imagination fed by the horror of losing everything. The task in front of us is perhaps bigger than before, but the urgency to comply is increasingly more alarming.