12Nov – 16Nov | Acordo de Glasgow no Global Gathering From the Ground Up

Este ano não há COP, a cimeira da ONU sobre as alterações climáticas. Mas a contra-cimeira dos movimentos sociais mantém-se, porque a crise climática não parou. A cimeira social “Global Gathering From the Ground Up” inclui dezenas de debates e workshops ao longo de cinco dias, do 12 de Novembro até 16 de Novembro. (Programa completo, aqui.)

Cinco anos depois do Acordo de Paris, os governos nem estão a reunir-se para travar a crise climática. As instituições políticas e económicas estão desenhadas para falhar. Por isso, dezenas de organizações vão assinar o Acordo de Glasgow, um Compromisso Climático dos Povos para travar a crise climática e construir justiça climática global.

As organizações envolvidas no Acordo de Glasgow estão a dinamizar várias sessões no Global Gathering From the Ground Up.

101: What is the Glasgow Agreement?

A plan of our own: The People’s Climate Commitment

12 November, Thursday, 17:30-19:00 GMT

Institutions, ministries, sections, departments, treaties, protocols and agreements have been created and signed, but greenhouse gas emissions’ records kept on being shattered.

The challenge ahead involves taking responsibility into our own hands, and stopping the polluters, the powerful, and the extractivist thirst for commodities, to ensure the survival of life: a life worth living, for all people, leaving no one behind. Governments’ inaction leave us no choice.

We, as activists in the global climate justice movement, call for action on climate and social justice. We not only call for it, but we will develop territorial plans for how this can happen. We imagine and we are putting to practice an agreement between social movements and non-governmental organizations to actually achieve the 50% global greenhouse gas emissions cuts, under a lens of climate justice. We call it the Glasgow Agreement, the People’s Climate Commitment.


  • Noah Zino (Climaximo, Portugal)
  • Sherelee Odayar (South Durban Community Environmental Alliance)
  • Mercedes Pombo (Fridays For Future Argentina)

Join here: https://zoom.us/j/97169486650

Session in English, with translation to French and Spanish.

Glasgow Agreement: What to Shut Down and How

Grassroots Inventories and Climate Agendas

13 November, Friday, 16:30-18:00 GMT

This is an interactive session: please sign up here to receive the Zoom link. 

Find out how we are creating the international Glasgow Agreement campaign from the ground up by;

1. building an ‘Inventory’ which clearly identifies what infrastructures and concrete emission sources to shut down, redimension or retrofit and where;

2. designing an action plan in the form of a ‘Climate Agenda’, lead by grassroots communities, movements and organisations, which immediately cuts emissions through direct action.


  • João Camargo, Climáximo
  • Nicole Oliveira, Fundação Arayara
  • Samuel Mondlane, Justiça Ambiental / Friends of the Earth Mozambique

Session in English, with translation to French and Spanish.

A Plan of Our Own

International Movement Glasgow Agreement Signing

16 November, Monday, 15:00-16:30 GMT

In the face of empty government promises and rising emissions, the Glasgow Agreement proposes that civil society takes action into its own hands, no longer waiting for governments and international institutions to do so. Grassroots movements, organisations and activists from across the globe will come together in this session to symbolically sign the Agreement and commit to cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 through civil disobedience and other tactics.


Join here: https://zoom.us/j/92363145416

Session in English, with translation to Spanish.


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