From 17th to 21th we will be in Mönchengladbach (Germany) for the European Summer University of Social Movements 2022! Join us there!
This session is about connecting two dots: that capitalism is the root cause of the climate and social crises and that the climate emergency means action must be taken now. The logical conclusion is that we have to dismantle capitalism in the short-term.
We will challenge the ambition deficit in the social movements, deconstruct the theories of change based on pressuring governments, and suggest that we move beyond campaigning. We propose an organizational structure at the movement level and a grand strategy that aim at system change within the climate deadlines.
What transformative strategies exist and how do they interact with each other? What elements are missing in the movement? What movement capabilities are not mobilized? How can we make sense of the entire picture? And how can we plan system change?
Handbrake to stop climate collapse
Thursday, 18 August 2022
4.00 pm

Here is an elaboration on ‘short-term dismantling of capitalism’….
‘UN chief António Guterres: Humanity faces collective suicide over climate crisis’
.. think about, discuss and speak about it….!