20 November | Handbrake to stop climate colapse

This session is about connecting two dots: that capitalism is the root cause of the climate and social crises and that the climate emergency means action must be taken now. The logical conclusion is that we have to dismantle capitalism in the short-term.

Our proposition is to go beyond campaigning and build a theory of change compatible with the climate crisis and its root causes. We propose a movement-level structure and grand strategy aimed at systemic change within climate deadlines.

Our leading questions will be: What transformative strategies exist and how do they relate to each other? What elements are missing from the movement? Which capacities of the movement have not been mobilized? How can we get an overview of the big picture? And how can we plan for systemic change?

November 20th, Sunday
3pm UTC

Where does this session come from?

In 2019 we declared a state of climate emergency within our collective, and we review this declaration regularly. Our work at the international level has always been an important part of this, being active in By 2020 We Rise Up, the Glasgow Agreement and the 5th International Ecosocialist Encounters.

The last version of the declaration, “Too late. Not too late”, commits us to “challenge the international climate justice movement to anchor itself in climate reality.” We need to talk about what “system change not climate change” actually means for us and for the movement.

We hope this presentation can be the starter of this conversation.

How to join

If you want to come to this session on the 20th of November, Sunday, at 3pm UTC, fill out this form, and we will send you the link closer to the date: https://framaforms.org/handbrake-to-stop-climate-collapse-nov-20th-3pm-utc-1666779788

The session will be held on BigBlueButton and will not be recorded. Both of these choices are connected to privacy threshold we would like to establish as our starting points.

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