Na quinta feira dia 24/11 vamo-nos juntar no Liquidâmbar para assistir a um documentário sobre migrações causadas pela Crise Climática no Liquidâmbar que será seguido duma conversa com o Filipe Carvalho do SOS Racismo e Philip Muus, Investigador na área de migração internacional e de refugiados na Universidade de Amesterdão.
Filipe Dias de Carvalho: Tem 26 anos, estudou produção alimentar na universidade e trabalha na área de cozinha. Aos 24 voltou à universidade para estudar filosofia na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, onde ainda estuda. Começou o caminho do ativismo em 2018 com o aparecimento das greves pela justiça climática, o que o levou rapidamente a simpatizar com a luta anti racista. Juntou-se então ao SOS Racismo com quem colabora desde 2019.
Philip Muus is a Dutch national who worked as associate professor at both Dutch Universities (Amsterdam, Utrecht, Erasmus University Rotterdam between 1982-2001) and Malmö University Sweden (2001-2012). He established an Erasmus student and staff exchange between Malmö and Coimbra University in the early years of 2000 with as counterpart in Coimbra the Institute of the late Professor Maria Baganha. This Erasmus exchange is still active. He is a Human Geographer by training and wrote his PhD at Amsterdam University on “International Migration to Europe, 1993” (in Dutch). Once trained during his masters on the geography of arid countries with a specialization on North Africa and the Middle East, he changed his interest into the study of international migration, after two minor research periods in Morocco (1975 and 1978), and two years Egypt studying poverty in a village of the Governorate of Minya (1980-1981). He has been a long-time academic advisor of the Dutch Refugee Council; worked part time (80%) in the late 1980´s at a Dutch institution defending the right of immigrant workers from countries around the Mediterranean (for two years), and was one year as the main advisor of the Board of the largest Dutch Federation of Trade Unions on immigrant workers affairs. He was from 1984-2001 the Dutch correspondent on international migration and the labour market for the SOPEMI (Système d´Observation Permanente des Migrations Internationales) of the Paris based OECD. In Malmö he became a full-time teacher and developed among others an international master’s on International Migration (IMER). Summer 2008 he took a nearly one-year sabbatical and left for Shanghai China and became Visiting Professor at the Museum of Contemporary Art at Shanghai (MoCA Shanghai) from November 2008 – May 2009). He pre-retired from Malmö University in September 2012 after a serious incident in Autumn 2010 which made him leave Sweden with the permission of Malmö University. Since then, he awaited his retirement in Amsterdam, and left Xmas 2020 on travel to Kenya, to finally establish himself in Portugal at the end of May 2021, first in the district of Castelo Branco and since January 2022 in Coimbra.
Registo da sessão por PT Revolution TV, aqui:
24 de Novembro (quinta-feira)
Liquidâmbar (Praça da República, Coimbra)
Sabe mais sobre o 8º Encontro Nacional pela Justiça Climática e inscreve-te, aqui.