How we work together – Sinan Eden
While we work for social change, we mostly treat each other as static objects rather than agents. During a training, we mostly think of the
Pushing the gate. Keeping the gate. – Sinan Eden
I was exposed to climate reality in 2006. I didn’t recover since then. A handful of friends in university, 2007 onward, we organized flash-mobs, public
20 November | Handbrake to stop climate colapse
This session is about connecting two dots: that capitalism is the root cause of the climate and social crises and that the climate emergency means
Too Late. Not Too Late.
This year started with 90% of Portugal in drought. Since then, we assisted heatwaves all around the world, catastrophic wildfires in Europe, devastating floodings in
Campanha Internacional | Diz Não ao Gás em Moçambique
A campanha Diz Não ao Gás! em Moçambique (“Say No to Gas! in Mozambique” em inglês) tem como objectivo pôr fim à indústria do gás
Climáximo participa no Venice Climate Camp
Na semana de 7 a 11 de Setembro vai realizar-se em Veneza o Venice Climate Camp (https://www.veniceclimatecamp.com). Este acampamento foi construído pelos grupos de Rise
4 September | Climate Walk arrives to Lisbon.
We were with the Climate Walk team in Sirigaita where they presented their project to us. Climate Walk has two routes, one that already started
Theories of change: why we do what we do – Sinan Eden
§1. There is quite a bit of talk about system change, and it’s not going well. Not only is system change itself not going well,
18 August | ESU2022: The Climate Crisis is a Class Struggle
We need to cut emissions, and we need to cut them quickly. We need structural change in the way. The Climate Jobs campaigns seek to
18 August | ESU2022: Session Handbrake to stop climate collapse
From 17th to 21th we will be in Mönchengladbach (Germany) for the European Summer University of Social Movements 2022! Join us there! This session is
Climate Justice is Migrant Justice!
Climate change is already displacing two to three times as many people as the ones who are forced to move because of political and social
Estamos no Climate Social Camp em Turim | We are at the climate social camp in Turin!
Na semana de 25 a 29 vai realizar-se em Turim o Social Climate Camp (https://www.climatesocialcamp.com/). Este acampamento foi construído por diversos movimentos sociais e por
Wrap-up: Climate Camp 1.5
The Acampamento 1.5, from 6 until 10 of July in Melides, counted with over 140 participants that took the Just Transition to the inside of