Amidst the threat of nuclear war posed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which explicitly exposed Europe’s dependence on oil and gas from Russia, one

Amidst the threat of nuclear war posed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which explicitly exposed Europe’s dependence on oil and gas from Russia, one
No dia 29 de Junho de 2022, em Lisboa, ao mesmo tempo que a 2ª Conferência do Oceano das Nações Unidas, mais de 300 pessoas
—————————————————————————————English below—————————————————————————————— O Acampamento 1.5 está quase! Mas a luta pela Justiça Climática não fica por aqui! Este Verão está cheio de acampamentos climáticos por
O Movimento Climático Europeu está numa encruzilhada. Movimentos sociais em todo o continente estão a desenvolver novas estratégias após os eventos inesperados que foram o
It can probably be argued that at least from the 2000s on, the number of self-described activists has been rising. The usage of the word
Entre 6 e 10 de Julho vai acontecer, no litoral alentejano, o Acampamento 1.5 – o acampamento de ação que não vais querer perder! Queres
§1. During the pandemic, the climate movement stagnated and normalized at the same time. The momentum of the climate strikes of 2019 was lost, while
Andreas Malm’s How to Blow Up a Pipeline is an eye-opening work discussing tactics and strategies within the climate movement. It is important not only
Find out what happened through the words of those who were there, and upcoming events.
Get to know the actual impacts of climate change in Portugal in the first hand. You already know climate change is happening, but do you
Climate crisis is here. The most exploited communities are the ones suffering the most with its impacts. We call everyone to come camping in Melides,
UPTADE: For logistic reasons, this event will not go live on Facebook. Instead join us on zoom here: We apologize for any inconvenience The
No dia 23 de Fevereiro, um barco de gás natural liquefeito (GNL), nomeado Vladimir Vize, saiu do porto de Sabetta onde está situado a central
Moving forwards
From 15th to 22nd of November (2021) several actions against Total and global climate criminals, were taken on 13 countries across 26 cities. The most