The Acampamento 1.5, from 6 until 10 of July in Melides, counted with over 140 participants that took the Just Transition to the inside of Galp’s refinery in Sines, went to the street of Sines and to the Fossil Gas Terminal. There were 4 days of debates, formations, gathering and fight in a space for all ages.

The diversity of the climate justice movement was present in all the camp, with formations and talks about capitalism and climate, civil disobedience, ecofeminism, global justice, anti-specism, sustainable economic models, just and sane food systems, and water.
The Acampamento 1.5 had strong participation, including testimonies from various persons that live and work in the region: former workers from EDP’s coal plant, local organizers against the pollution in Ferreira do Alentejo, a migrant worker from Nepal who works in greenhouses near Odemira, foreman of the Union of Industries, Energy, Services and Waters of Portugal, and from the Dunas Livres (Free Dunes) in defense of the coastline between Tróia and Sines, against megaprojects that exist there.
Several cultural activities, with artists like Gabriel Pepe. Popular Music Group – Falta Um, and Munay cheered up all participants. We also had a children’s area, with its own program, an area provided by Circovagamundo to relax and full of materials like trapeze and juggling with Leo ready to teach them and an artivist space where we developed our materials for the action.

The preparation for the Action 1.5 on the 9th of july took a good part of the program with practical and theoretical formations on civil disobedience, that were immediately applied.

Read the reports from the first and second day for more information on our preparation and debates.
Action 1.5
On Action 1.5, we returned to the infrastructure that emits more greenhouse gases on the country, after going there in Vamos Juntas! (Let’s go Together) in November of 2021. We want that just transition enters the refinery and that no one leaves it without a just transition.
Seven activists entered the refinery to deliver a Just Transition Plan for Sines for whom works inside, while on the two main entrances groups delivered the same plan to who it leaves. Even though Galp changed the schedules and reduced labour, we managed to contact with workers of the refinery in the morning and the afternoon manifestation.

On the 9th at 6am the camp sailed to Barbuda, where a march ensued to the gates of the refinery. Several groups left the march, one went in the direction of the secondary entrance of the refinery and the other went entered inside of the infrastructure. This latter group was detained by GNR (our national guard) and stayed arrested for five hours inside the installations, until about 1.30pm.

When all were released, we went to take the just transition to the communities of Sines and to the Port of Sines.
Demonstrarion “Por 1.5, Fim ao Capitalismo”
At 15h30 we gathered in Jardim da Républica, in Sines. For 40 minutes dozens of people approached the people in cafés, stores and the streets of Sines, to delivered them the just transition plan and talk with them.
At 4pm we started an open assembly to all people, in Jardim da Républica, where we clarified doubts and debated how could it be a just transition in Sines, with a focus on the Porto of Sines, Galp Refinery and in hydrogen related projects.
At the end of afternoon, the manifestation started in direction to the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal of Porto de Sines, crucial structure to the climate collapse of fossil capitalism in Portugal. We walked in the city, with command words, while talking and distributing more reports on the streets and at the beach.
We ended at the front of the Terminal gates, where we denounced the crime of continuing to import fossil gas and, together, affirmed that we would stop the expansion of that Terminal and the import of this fossil fuel.
For 1.5ºC, end to fossil gas, end to exploitation, end to capitalism!

At the end of the manifestation, and back to Melides, there was a party, a testimony of the Greve Verde (Green Strike) of 1982 in Sines and a lot of fun.
Find more about the action day and our fight here.
Next Steps
On the next day, 10th of July, we learned essential tools for the organizations of the movement, and we debated what are the next steps of the movement.
It was mentioned the movement against the deflorestation of Quinta dos Ingleses, the opposition to the construction of the dams of Projeto Tejo, of the camp in Covas do Barroso, of Ende Gelände and their solidarity actions.
Furthermore there are 3 big next steps that you’re all invited to get involved!
Labour and Climate
The case study “For a Just Transition in Sines”, launched in Acampamento 1.5, it’s a new tool to spread the word about a just transition guided by climate science, driven by social justice and led by the workers and by the communities.
Do you want to develop work close to the communities and workers? Join the work group of Sines region to involve in the activities. More information, here.
Gás é andar para Trás
In the same week that the European Union accepted fossil gas as “green”, accelerating the climate crisis and putting profit over our lives, the climate justice movement in Portugal declared that it will stop the expansion of the LNG terminal and that fossil gas has to end. Carbon Neutrality by 2030 means that we have less than 7 years to stop importing gas in Portugal.
We need you in the front line! Join our actions against fossil gas that are happening still this year and to the campaign Gás é andar para trás (Gas is to walk backwards).
End to Fossil! Occupy – schools and universities
On the first semester of the year 2022/2023, student climate strike of Lisbon invites all students to occupy high schools and Universities in Lisbon for the end fossil fuels.
Find how to get involved, organize and/or occupy HERE.
Join us
We have a few years left to halt climate chaos and the political, economic and social institutions keep acting like there isn’t a climate crisis. If we ever thought that governments and/or multinationals could solve this crisis, this is already a proposal tested and failed.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
We have political proposals, strategies to win them and plans for actions.
Show up in the next introduction meeting of Climáximo, 30th of August (Tuesday) at 6pm, in CIDAC (Picoas, Lisboa) and bring your anger. If you’re not in Lisbon but would like to colaborate with us, send us an email to
We have a planet to save!
The time to act is now. For 1.5ºC, join the fight.